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Galaxy Rasbora / Celestial Pearl Danio

Galaxy Rasbora / Celestial Pearl Danio

Regular price $12.99
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $12.99
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One of the most beautifully patterned nano fish in the aquarium hobby, the Celestial Pearl Danio, Galaxy Rasbora, or simply “CPD” as it is often referred to originates in the shallow waters of Eastern Myanmar and Northern Thailand. In the wild, it has a limited distribution but the species is now commercially bred on a large scale for the aquarium trade. The Celestial Pearl Danio is a peaceful schooling fish ideal for smaller aquariums and is extremely popular with aquascapers and planted tank hobbyists due to its vivid colors and small adult size. Hardy and undemanding, they will readily accept most flake or small granulated foods. Good water quality, a varied and protein rich diet and plenty of cover in the form of live plants, driftwood, or artificial decor will ensure these tiny gems display their most vivid coloration in the aquarium.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wendy Curran
Just what I was looking for

Stopped by Danbury Aquarium to check things out and saw these spectacular Galaxy Rasporas. They are absolute gems. Feel so lucky to have them.

Best looking nano fish in my opinion thanks for the review