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Fire Eel

Fire Eel

Regular price $219.99
Regular price $325.00 Sale price $219.99
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The fire eel is a relatively large species of spiny eel. This omnivorous freshwater fish is native to in Southeast Asia but is also found in the aquarium trade. Although it has declined locally due to overfishing, it remains common overall.
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Customer service

Terrible customer service. Poor communication.

I shipped your Order using overnigh service from UPS as promissed but I am very disapointed that because we had a UPS issue during transit with the delivery of your XXL Fire Eel, even know fish made sound and safe 2 days after shipping you decided to Give me a 1 star review, unfortunally I have no control Over UPS services and most likelly they had some type of weather or traffic issue, but all i do is print the lable that was purschased by customer when ordering the fish, I tryed 3 times placing a claim with UPS for a refund for the orvernight served paid by you they keep telling me you alredy started the claim and was not able to place a second claim for the same case. I am very happy to know that even took 2 days for the delivery after paying an overnight service the large Fire EEl made it just fine.
thanks for your order!


Eel arrived safely and happy :) Sir Noodles is now enjoying his new home.

Milton Mahan

Everything was nice. I will be doing more purchases from you now on .Hard to find fish can find here.