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Diptail Pencil Fish-Eques Pencilfish (Nannostomus eques)

Diptail Pencil Fish-Eques Pencilfish (Nannostomus eques)

Regular price $6.99
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The Eques or Diptail Pencilfish is a widely distributed loosely schooling fish found throughout much of the Amazon and Orinoco Basins. With their distinctive ‘head up’ posture (which helps them remain invisible to predators in the wild) and peaceful demeanor they have been a popular fish in the freshwater hobby for decades. Typically found in warm, extremely shallow waters alongside other tetra species, they prefer soft, acidic water conditions but are adaptable in the aquarium. Best kept in groups of 5 or more, they are relatively easy to care for but care should be taken to ensure larger or faster moving tankmates don’t outcompete them for food.

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