Bumblebee Oscar (Astronotus crassipinnis) "green eye bumble bee Oscar" wild BRAZIL

Bumblebee Oscar (Astronotus crassipinnis) "green eye bumble bee Oscar" wild BRAZIL

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A much more rarely seen relative of the well-known Common Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), the Bumblebee Oscar is known primarily from certain river systems in Southern Brazil, Bolivia, and possibly Paraguay. It can be distinguished from the wild form of its close cousin by the distinct yellow-black patterning as well as lacking the characteristic eye spots or ocellae found on the dorsal fin of all wild forms of Common Oscar. Like its close relative, the Bumblebee Oscar is a large growing and predatory fish that requires a large aquariums, but it will typically reach a slightly smaller adult size at only 9-10”. Although Oscars have earned a reputation for aggression in the hobby, they are fairly peaceful for a large cichlid and if given ample tank space will do well in a mixed community of similarly sized fish. Feeding a varied diet of high quality prepared and frozen foods will help ensure their best colors as they grow.

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