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Blue Checkerboad Discus

Blue Checkerboad Discus

Regular price $89.99
Regular price $114.99 Sale price $89.99
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The Checkerboard Discus is a relatively new color of the wild South American Discus, being a brilliant green coloration with red patterning. The overall coloration of Discus will vary depending on mood and overall health of the fish. Discus are among the most popular aquarium fish.

Discus originate from a habitat of shaded water with branches and other dense cover and this habitat should be duplicated in the aquarium. High quality water conditions (warm, soft, acidic) must be maintained.

Becoming slightly territorial when breeding, it is best to breed an established pair, or maintain a group of young Discus and allow them to pair themselves. Warm, soft, slightly acidic water is required for spawning. The pair will clean a flat surface (usually a broad leaf or the side of the aquarium) prior to spawning. The parents must not be removed from the fry; the fry feed on their parents’ mucus.

Largely carnivorous, Symphysodon spp. prefers
freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex,
pellet food designed for discus,
high-quality flake food, and meaty
frozen foods.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Terry Mitchell
Wrong fish & wrong size

Bad experience!

Please allow fish to acclimate as they arrive very stressed and with fins closed, once fish gets to temperature they will look how they should.

Jason Good

Fish Parished via Ups mistake. I rate this transaction as tho bc the seller was AMAZING. The auto credit i was given was without a question. So i thank you for your promptness.